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Our goal is to help foster the movement toward restoring landscapes.
All gardens and restorations projects are works in progress. It doesn’t matter where you start, only where youʼre headed.
- Join the Green Revolution by putting your piece of the planet to more productive use.
- Replace turf lawns and impermeable surfaces with native plants or organic agriculture.
- Watch as your project evolves year by year and allow visitors to follow your progress.
- Bring a new meaning to Flower Power!
Open a dialogue with your community, seek or offer help via your Green Evolution Site sign.
Sign sales help to support the lawnless, but if you’re not able to post one, you can also support Green Revolutionaries by donating toward the legal defences of those challenging out-moded bylaws through the courts. Please note, we are not a registered charity and cannot offer tax receipts, only our thanks for your help. Donations are currently directed toward Dale vs Toronto. If donations exceed her costs, excess funds will go to support legal challenges brought by other ecological gardeners and those details will be published here.